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It is true what they say… Paris is the city of love… saturated with couples both new and old, unashamedly affectionate. Naturally, my recent trip to France’s capital consisted of great romance, but actually towards the city itself. Ergo, I cannot think of a reason why we shouldn’t announce our nuptials!

Of course, like any great love story I know you are dying to know how it began.

After a short flight from Milan, we journeyed to the heart of the city passing by the elegant façades of many Parisian abodes, one of which we got to call home for the weekend. Much like anybody in love, I could talk endlessly about our best times together:

We enjoyed traditional escargot and French onion soup and finished with with the mouth-watering macarons from Lauderée. Then, we strolled through the Jardin des Tuileries to the Louvre, admiring the ambience and Parisian surroundings.
We shopped on the Rue Saint-Florentin and experienced the famous Christian Louboutin store. Yes... I did leave with two red-soled presents!
Our second day together began with an almond bostock (the Beyonce of French toast) and a walk through the Sunday-morning farmers market selling fresh fruit, seafood, flowers, French cheese and baguettes (which would be consumed mid-afternoon #yum).
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We later had coffee and hot chocolate at Cafe de Flore, one of the oldest coffeehouses in the city, renowned for its famous clientele of high-profile writers, philosophers and even Pablo Picasso.
Not surprisingly, our cafe-to-cafe extravaganza continued a 25 minute walk later, at the famous Angelina tea house, where more pastry’s and pudding-like hot chocolates were consumed.

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One of our most memorable moments marked the night we stumbled upon a hotel bar, only to discover it was the place where the treaty to end the Vietnam war was signed (warranting the over-priced €32 cocktails!).
If the the incredible history did not seal my fate, the moment I caught sight of the Eiffel tower surely did. The monument stands tall and captures hearts, only to glimmer at night like an engagement ring to the masses.
Au Revoir for now Pari.
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