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Sea Spell
Model- Rikki Contarino
MUA- Reanin Glah
Photographer- MH Visuals
1. Green set- Tengdahl Australia
Earrings-The Minimal Co.
2. Blue Dress- Tengdahl Australia 
Earrings- The Minimal Co.
3. White set- Tengdahl Australia 
Pants- Sharka Bosakova 
Shoes- Stylist’s own
4. White floral Top
Under top- Sharka Bosakova 
White Jumper Top- Reverse
5. White Sequin Top- Tengdahl Australia
Black mesh pants- Sharka Bosakova
Belt- Tengdahl
Shoes- Zara
Black Ribbon- Stylists own
6. Black Jumpsuit Jumpsuit- Saxon Hunter 
Belt- Tengdahl Australia
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